Crib Ji is Ontario’s tech powered, user friendly realtor. We equip our clients with all the tools and advice from experienced real estate professionals to complete this important transaction with ease and confidence. Crib ji was founded on the marketing idea of sharing profit with customers, and strength in volumes. While the norm in the industry was based on standard high commissions, we innovated to offer flat prices to list your properties through us and lower buying commissions through us.

The company had just been established and primarily needed a website, strategy for launch and brand awareness campaign. The realty was primarily going to exist in a online platform, and hence the website and application needed to stand out in terms of searches, information, infographics, geographical statistics, etc., based on current trends and facts effectively replacing a realtor explaining and convincing a consumer. Since there were no other realty that was like Crib Ji, we also needed to educate people and get a hype to drive web traffic to the website.


• Co-ordinated the project and implementing client side communication with Product development and web development teams.

• Formulated a launch strategy with campaigns in Social media marketing and Direct mail campaigns.

• Based on research data, formulated and designed the features the website should have to make it the go-to search place for consumers wishing to sell or buy properties.


• Conducted Quantity and Quality analysis for the website blueprints, alpha and beta tests in regards to features, colors, design and functionality.

• Built a landing page before launch with countdown timer to start generating a mailing list.

• Managed social media marketing thru Facebook Ads manager to drive web traffic to the site.

• Managed Direct mail and Social media campaign.



Got a project in mind?
Let's Talk!

© 2022 Santosh Mariaselvam


(289) 893-2643

Halifax, NS Canada

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